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How To Put Out A Candle?

Putting out a candle seems simple enough, right? You just blow on it and—poof!—it's out. While that's certainly one way to extinguish a candle, there are several methods you can use, each with its own pros and cons. In this guide, we'll explore various techniques for putting out candles safely and effectively.

Basic Safety Tips

Before we dive into the methods, let's review some basic safety tips:

  1. Never Leave a Burning Candle Unattended: This is the cardinal rule of candle safety. Always stay in the room with a lit candle and never leave it burning when you leave the house or go to bed.

  2. Keep Away from Flammable Materials: Make sure your candle is placed on a stable surface away from anything that could catch fire, such as curtains, papers, or decorations.

  3. Trim the Wick: Before lighting the candle, trim the wick to about ¼ inch (6 mm) to prevent excessive flickering and dripping.

  4. Avoid Drafts: Drafts can cause uneven burning and make it harder to control the flame. Keep candles away from open windows, fans, and air vents.

  5. Use Candle Accessories: Consider using candle accessories like candle snuffers or wick trimmers to safely extinguish and maintain your candles.

Now, let's explore the different methods for putting out a candle:

1. Blowing Out

This is the most common method and probably the one you're most familiar with. Simply blow on the flame until it goes out. Here's how to do it safely:

  • Pros: Quick and easy.

  • Cons: Blowing can cause the hot wax to splatter or the wick to move off-centre, which may lead to uneven burning or difficulty relighting the candle.

Safety Tip: To minimize splattering, blow gently and from a slight distance above the flame.

2. Using a Candle Snuffer

A candle snuffer is a small metal tool with a cone-shaped end that you place over the flame to extinguish it. Here's how to use it:

  1. Hold the handle of the snuffer.

  2. Carefully lower the cone-shaped end over the flame until it covers the wick completely.

  3. Wait a few seconds for the flame to go out.

  4. Lift the snuffer away from the candle.

  • Pros: Prevents wax splattering and keeps the wick centred.

  • Cons: Requires an additional tool, slightly slower than blowing out.

3. Dipping the Wick

This method involves dipping the burning wick into the melted wax to extinguish the flame. Here's how to do it:

  1. Use a non-flammable object (such as a toothpick or a wick dipper) to gently push the burning wick into the melted wax pool.

  2. Hold it there for a few seconds until the flame is extinguished.

  3. Carefully lift the wick out of the wax.

  • Pros: Minimizes smoke and prevents splattering.

  • Cons: Requires a steady hand and may cause the wick to become misshapen over time.

4. Using Water

While not the most recommended method, water can be used to extinguish a candle in certain situations. Here's how to do it safely:

  1. Fill a small container with water.

  2. Carefully pour the water over the flame, making sure not to get any water on the wax.

  3. Wait for the flame to go out completely.

  • Pros: Effective at extinguishing the flame.

  • Cons: Can cause splattering, wax damage, and create a mess. Not suitable for all candle types, especially those with sensitive fragrances or designs.

5. Suffocating with a Lid

For jar candles, you can extinguish the flame by suffocating it with a lid. Here's how:

  1. Take the lid of the candle jar and place it over the opening.

  2. Leave it there for a few seconds until the flame is extinguished.

  3. Remove the lid once the flame is out.

  • Pros: Minimizes smoke and preserves the fragrance of the candle.

  • Cons: Only applicable to jar candles, may cause wax to spill if the jar is moved too soon after extinguishing.


Putting out a candle safely and effectively is crucial for preventing accidents and prolonging the life of your candle. Whether you choose to blow out the flame, use a snuffer, dip the wick, use water, or suffocate with a lid, always prioritize safety and follow the manufacturer's recommendations. With these techniques, you can enjoy your candles worry-free and make the most out of their ambience and fragrance.


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