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How Do You Put A Secret Message In A Candle?

Crafting Candles with Secret Messages: A Step-by-Step Guide

Integrating a secret message into a candle adds a touch of intrigue and personalization to your candle-making endeavours. Whether it's a heartfelt note, a romantic gesture, or a fun surprise, embedding a hidden message within a candle is a creative way to delight someone special or add a personal touch to your home decor. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the process of putting a secret message in a candle, from selecting materials to executing the final steps of your project.

Materials You'll Need:

  • Candle wax (soy, beeswax, or paraffin)

  • Wick

  • Wick centring device

  • Heat-resistant container or mould

  • Parchment paper or transparency film

  • Printer and printer ink

  • Scissors

  • Double boiler or microwave-safe container

  • Thermometer

  • Fragrance oils (optional)

  • Dye (optional)

  • Stirring utensil

  • Hot glue gun (optional)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Choose Your Message

Decide on the message you want to include in your candle. It could be a love note, a birthday wish, a quote, or any other sentiment you desire. Keep in mind the size of your candle and the space available for the message.

2. Prepare the Message

Using word processing software, type out your message in a font and size that fits your candle container. You may need to adjust the font size and formatting to ensure the message is legible and fits within the candle's dimensions. Keep the message short and concise for better visibility.

3. Print the Message

Print the message onto a piece of parchment paper or transparency film. Make sure to use a printer with waterproof ink to prevent the message from smudging or fading when exposed to the melted wax.

4. Cut Out the Message

Carefully cut out the printed message using scissors. Trim around the edges of the text to remove any excess paper or film, leaving only the message itself.

5. Prepare Your Container or Mold

Select a heat-resistant container or mould for your candle. Glass jars, metal tins, or silicone moulds are popular choices. Ensure that the container is clean and dry before proceeding.

6. Prepare the Wick

Attach the wick to the bottom centre of the container using a dab of hot glue or a wick sticker. Use a wick-centring device to keep the wick straight and centred while pouring the wax.

7. Melt the Wax

Using a double boiler, melt your candle wax. If you don’t have a double boiler, a microwave-safe container can be used, but melt the wax in short intervals to prevent overheating. Stir the wax gently and monitor the temperature with a thermometer. Most waxes melt between 120°F and 180°F.

8. Add Fragrance and Dye (Optional)

Once the wax is fully melted, you can add fragrance oils and dye if desired. Stir thoroughly to ensure even distribution. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct amount of fragrance oil to use, typically around 1 ounce per pound of wax.

9. Pour a Base Layer of Wax

Pour a small amount of melted wax into the bottom of your container, just enough to cover the wick tab. Allow this layer to cool and harden slightly. This base layer helps secure the wick and provides a foundation for your secret message.

10. Attach the Message

Carefully place the cut-out message onto the slightly hardened base layer of wax. Position it where you want it to be in the finished candle, ensuring it is centred and visible through the container.

11. Pour the Remaining Wax

Slowly pour the remaining melted wax into the container, covering the message completely. Pour steadily to avoid creating air bubbles. If your container is large or your message is substantial, you might want to pour in layers, allowing each layer to cool slightly before adding the next. This can help prevent the message from shifting or becoming distorted.

12. Cool and Trim the Wick

Allow the candle to cool and harden completely. This can take several hours or overnight, depending on the size of the candle and the type of wax used. Once the candle is fully hardened, trim the wick to about 1/4 inch above the wax surface.

13. Test and Enjoy

Before giving the candle as a gift or using it yourself, it’s a good idea to test one candle to ensure the message is properly embedded and visible when the candle is burned. Light the candle and observe how the wax melts around the message.

Tips and Safety Precautions:

  • Choose High-Quality Materials: Use high-quality wax, ink, and paper or film to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your secret message candle.

  • Keep the Message Simple: Opt for short and clear messages to ensure readability. Complex or lengthy messages may be difficult to read once the candle is burning.

  • Experiment with Placement: Test different placements and sizes for your message to find the most visually appealing option within your candle container.

  • Be Patient: Allow each layer of wax to cool and harden before adding the next to prevent the message from shifting or becoming distorted.


Embedding a secret message in a candle is a creative and meaningful way to personalize your candle-making projects. Whether you’re crafting candles as gifts for loved ones or adding a unique touch to your home decor, incorporating a hidden message adds an element of surprise and delight. By following this step-by-step guide and incorporating your creativity, you can create beautiful and memorable candles that are sure to leave a lasting impression. Happy crafting!



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