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How Do You Hide Jewelry In Candles?

How to Hide Jewelry in Candles: A Complete Guide

Creating candles with hidden jewelry inside is a delightful and creative way to add an element of surprise to your handmade candles. These candles make perfect gifts for special occasions and can add a touch of magic to any room. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to hide jewelry in candles, covering everything from selecting the right materials to the final steps of your project.

Materials You’ll Need:

  • Candle wax (soy, beeswax, or paraffin)

  • Wick

  • Wick centering device

  • Heat-resistant container or mould

  • Jewelry (small and heat-resistant items like rings, earrings, or charms)

  • Double boiler or microwave-safe container

  • Thermometer

  • Fragrance oils (optional)

  • Dye (optional)

  • Stirring utensil

  • Hot glue gun (optional)

  • Parchment paper or aluminium foil

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Select Your Jewelry

Choose small pieces of jewelry that can withstand heat without damage. Rings, earrings, charms, and small necklaces are ideal. Ensure that the jewelry is made of materials that won't melt or degrade at candle-making temperatures.

2. Prepare the Jewelry

Wrap the jewelry in parchment paper or aluminium foil. This not only protects the jewelry from direct contact with hot wax but also makes it easier to find when the candle is burned. You can also use small plastic bags, but make sure they are heat-resistant and safe for this use.

3. Choose Your Container or Mold

Select a container or mould that is heat-resistant and suitable for candle making. Glass jars, metal tins, or silicone moulds are popular choices. Ensure that the container is large enough to accommodate both the wax and the hidden jewelry.

4. Prepare the Wick

Attach the wick to the bottom centre of the container using a dab of hot glue or a wick sticker. Use a wick-centring device to keep the wick straight and centred while pouring the wax.

5. Melt the Wax

Using a double boiler, melt your candle wax. If you don’t have a double boiler, a microwave-safe container can be used, but melt the wax in short intervals to prevent overheating. Stir the wax gently and monitor the temperature with a thermometer. Most waxes melt between 120°F and 180°F.

6. Add Fragrance and Dye (Optional)

Once the wax is fully melted, you can add fragrance oils and dye. Stir thoroughly to ensure even distribution. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct amount of fragrance oil to use, typically around 1 ounce per pound of wax.

7. Pour a Base Layer of Wax

Pour a small amount of melted wax into the bottom of your container, just enough to cover the wick tab. Allow this layer to cool and harden slightly. This base layer helps secure the wick and provides a foundation for your hidden jewelry.

8. Insert the Jewelry

Place the wrapped jewelry onto the slightly hardened base layer. Ensure it is centred and positioned where you want it to be in the finished candle. For larger jewelry pieces, position them higher up in the candle, so they are discovered sooner.

9. Pour the Remaining Wax

Slowly pour the remaining melted wax into the container, covering the jewelry completely. Pour steadily to avoid creating air bubbles. If your container is large or your jewelry piece is substantial, you might want to pour in layers, allowing each layer to cool slightly before adding the next. This can help prevent the jewelry from sinking to the bottom.

10. Cool and Trim the Wick

Allow the candle to cool and harden completely. This can take several hours or overnight, depending on the size of the candle and the type of wax used. Once the candle is fully hardened, trim the wick to about 1/4 inch above the wax surface.

11. Label and Decorate (Optional)

If you’re making the candle as a gift, consider adding a label or tag indicating there’s a hidden piece of jewelry inside. You can also decorate the container with ribbons, stickers, or other embellishments to make it more attractive.

12. Test and Enjoy

Before giving the candle as a gift or using it yourself, it’s a good idea to test one candle to ensure the jewelry is properly hidden and can be retrieved safely. Light the candle and observe how the wax melts around the jewelry.

Tips and Safety Precautions

  • Choose the Right Wax: Different waxes have different melting points and burning characteristics. Soy wax is popular for its clean burn and ease of use, while beeswax burns longer and emits a natural honey scent.

  • Monitor the Temperature: Overheating the wax can cause it to discolour or even catch fire. Always use a thermometer to keep track of the temperature.

  • Use Heat-Resistant Materials: Both the container and the jewelry must be able to withstand the heat of the melted wax without melting or releasing harmful chemicals.

  • Ventilation: Work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling fumes from melted wax or fragrance oils.

  • Safety First: Never leave melting wax unattended, and keep children and pets away from the candle-making area.


Creating candles with hidden jewelry inside is a fun and rewarding project that adds an extra layer of excitement to candle burning. Whether you're making these candles for gifts or personal enjoyment, the process is straightforward and customizable to your preferences. By following this guide, you'll be able to craft beautiful and intriguing candles that bring joy and surprise to anyone who lights them. Happy crafting!


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