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Are jewelry candles real?

Are our jewelry candles real?

Disclaimer: Please note, that I am not a member or an affiliate of Jewelry Candles. This review has been researched with information and/or testimonials that are available online in the public domain. Any recommendations and/or conclusions are strictly opinions and may not apply to, or agree with, all persons or situations. See full disclaimer for more info

One of the sayings goes, “you get what you pay for.”. Buying something for the lowest price is almost never a good idea. Therefore, buying an expensive product with no real value isn’t a good choice at all. You have to determine what you receive for the money you spend before adding your jewelry candles to the list.

Don't buy this product I got 5 different candles that smell good but the rings are too small making my daughter's green fingers not what you expect got one candle with a neckless appraised at 80$ and looks like a dollar store stuff will never spend a dime again charm aroma make fool of the people

Are they worth it?

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Each individual has their own decision. Somebody like Earrings, Rings, Bracelets. Be that as it may, I like Diamond Jewelry most. I think accessories with little pendants and little studs are the best gems for all. In some cases, platinum or white gold rings likewise look great.

If you’re still skeptical and don’t understand why many women love our products, Hannah simply puts it this way: “It’s a good thing that happens in the form of surprises. We don’t get that a lot because life is hard. The more we can give surprises to people, then that’s how we know we’re doing our job well.”

Are they safe?

They found that while these chemicals’ peak was at around four hours of burning, they are less than half the WHO recommendation even in small places like bathrooms. With that said, paraffin wax is generally safe to light if you have any paraffin candles!

“Many of the chemical names in disclosed ‘fragrances’ will be long and scary-looking — think ‘methyl dihydro jasmonate,’” says Mia Davis, director of environmental and social responsibility at Credo Beauty. “But their chemical-y sounding names don’t equal ‘toxic.’”

If you’re looking for information, there are many sources – (Buying Guide & Review), product reviews best jewelry candles websites, word-of-mouth recommendations, online forums, where users post their own experiences, and even YouTube channels. It is only through thorough research that we can find the very best products.


Scented Candles with Rings.jpg

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Today, I am Maria F. Solares from Unrivaled Candles. Here, I am a marketing manager and customer support.

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